Too Much, Too many and A Lot - Basic Grammar

Today, we are going to learn how to use adjective phrases TOO MUCH, TOO MANY and A LOT.  I have seen people use them incorrectly all the time. So let's learn them correctly once and for all.
Let's start with TOO MUCH and TOO MANY.
Note: Too shows excessively bad 


It is used with uncountable nouns like: Water, Beer, Hair, and Love to show nouns that you do not like. 
  • I've had too much sugar lately.
  • Adam and Sarah are going to end their 4 years long relationship because they have had too much fight lately.
  • Students don't like too much home work.
  • Indian cities suffer with too much traffic.

Too Many 

It is used with countable nouns like: car, bike, boy, girl etc. to show nouns that you do not like. 
  • There are too many people in India.
  • Everyone loves cookies, but there are too many calories in it.
  • Too many vehicles on the road caused hour long traffic in China.

Now let's discuss something positive, something we love to do or have 

A lot 

A lot can be used with Countable and Uncountable nouns and shows nouns that we like.
  • I have a lot of Friends in my life and that makes me super happy. (Countable Noun)
  • A lot of people are always ready to serve their country. (Countable Noun)
  • My mother loves me a lot. (Uncountable Noun)
  • My father owns a lot of hoses in different countries. (Countable Noun)

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