
Showing posts from April 21, 2017

Too Much, Too many and A Lot - Basic Grammar

Today, we are going to learn how to use adjective phrases  TOO MUCH, TOO MANY and A LOT .  I have seen people use them incorrectly all the time. So let's learn them correctly once and for all. Let's start with TOO MUCH and TOO MANY. Note : Too shows excessively bad  TOO MUCH  It is used with uncountable nouns like: Water, Beer, Hair, and Love to show nouns that you do not like.  Example:  I've had  too much sugar  lately. Adam and Sarah are going to end their 4 years long relationship because they have  had too much fight  lately. Students don't like  too much home work . Indian cities suffer with  too much traffic . Too Many  It is used with countable nouns like: car, bike, boy, girl etc. to show nouns that you do not like.  There are  too many people  in India. Everyone loves cookies, but there are  too many calories  in it. Too many vehicles  on th...